Perhaps surprisingly statistics show that actually there are somewhere in the region of 50 million Americans have tinnitus. And of those 50 million people with the condition, 20 million have it chronically, and two million have an extreme case of tinnitus.

There are several things you can do when it comes to reducing and dealing with your titties. Although it helps to know a little bit more about tinnitus in the first place.

Tinnitus is a sound that can be heard in the head and ears, and it does not have an external source. It comes in a few different forms, it could appear as a howling, a ringing, a high-pitched humming, or are whirring. 

It can also be very distracting for those that have it Not only that but it can cause a range of other issues, like irritability, insomnia, and poor concentration.

Here are six tips for dealing with and reducing tinnitus: 


There are a number of therapies that you can use to help with tinnitus. Stress can actually make tinnitus more difficult to deal with. However, you can employ a range of things to help you deal with your stress levels. If you like the idea of doing something quite relaxed and gentle then yoga and a daily walk can positively impact your stress levels. 

It has been shown that these two simple things can help reduce the ringing in your ears caused by tinnitus.

Sleep environment

You must create an ideal sleep environment. When you are surrounded by silence at bedtime, tinnitus sounds much louder. And this can cause some sleep disturbances. You can create a bedroom that will help you be distracted but in just the right way. 

Most people who have tinnitus find it helpful to have a noise machine in their bedroom. Some phone applications have a range of noises. These can include stories, meditation sessions, and even Nature Sounds to help. 

Ticking clocks, pink noise, white noise, rain have proven to be very effective in helping a person who has tinnitus sleep. If you don’t find any of those noises useful, then an audiobook can be ideal for helping to hold your attention. And if you find one with just the right tone, it can help you drift off to a night of peaceful night sleep.

Hearing aids

Hearing aids can offer an excellent way to reduce the ringing in your ears that you are here due to tinnitus. The way this works is that a hearing aid will amplify the noise that surrounds you and will distract you and your ears from the tinnitus. It will help you focus on things like music, conversations, and even your washing machine’s sound. You can work with your hearing instrument specialist to make sure that you get the best hearing aid for you.

Loud spaces

It might not be surprising to hear that tinnitus and hearing loss are closely linked. Many people do not realize the extent of the hearing loss until they go and speak to an hearing instrument specialist and have further testing. 

Tinnitus can mask hearing loss for quite some time. It is important that you help protect your hearing by actively avoiding places that play extremely loud music or that you will be hearing loud noises for an extended period.

If you work in a loud environment, you must ask them to make sure that you have protective gear for your ears.


There is a range of sounds to ask if that can help you override the noise you usually hear from tinnitus. You can work with your hearing instrument specialist to find the exact pitches and tones that work for you. These noises will mask the whirring or typical noise you hear from tinnitus, and when you find the right pitch for you, it can also be very relaxing.


It is suggested that some of the possible causes of tinnitus could be environmental factors. It is known that smoking irritates your ears, and if you have tinnitus you will notice an improvement if you quit. If you quit smoking for some time, it would have a considerable positive impact. 

Chewing tobacco, caffeine, and even alcohol can all have a negative impact on your tinnitus too. Many people find that replacing some of these items with healthy habits like mindfulness, walking, and meditation reduces how much they notice their tinnitus.

Of course, this won’t work for everyone, but it is worth a try.

Learn more about Beltone Hearing Centre – Lethbridge and how we can help by calling this phone number: (403) 942-4327.